Ventura has a portfolio of projects in Venezuela to support children and women in the areas of education, health, and entrepreneurship. We invite you to learn about both the ongoing projects and those we were fortunate enough to successfully complete.

  • Menstrual poverty

    Estela Project - Completed

    Estela is a project by Meals4Hope, supported by Days for Girls and Ventura, aimed at addressing menstrual poverty in 9 states of Venezuela.

  • Child Protection

    La Milagrosa foster home

    This institution is located in Araira, Miranda State and provides permanent or temporary shelter to around 15 children. Ventura helps them obtain donations to cover the costs of food, health, education, and maintenance.

  • Nutrition

    El Tocuyo sustainable school kitchens

    The project aims to combat malnutrition and promote school attendance by providing school lunches for the boys and girls of Our Lady of Concordia School in Tocuyo, Lara State.